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Webinar Replay: The Login Play

Privacy regulations; the crumbling third-party cookie; a general need to diversify revenue streams. These are just some of the factors driving publishers to better—and directly—engage with consumers. And a key tool helping publishers connect is an old favorite—logins. But although they may seem straightforward, logins and the strategies around them…

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Ad Blockers Are Good for Pubs… Wait, What?

We're sure your eyebrows jumped at the title of a recent report by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the City University of Hong Kong: "Ad blockers may benefit websites, users, and the market at large." Well, your brows might relocate past your scalp when you read some of the…

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What Is Footer Bidding?

The more header bidding adapters you add, the more bids you get and the more money you might make. But, the more requests you make, the more your user experience suffers. Enter Footer Bidding. The idea is simple: Don’t call any ad requests until the page has fully loaded. Instead…

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Webinar Replay: The Revenue Boost You Could Use Right Now

Ad-blocking users are too often written off as “lost traffic” when studies show they can help revenue efforts when given the right incentives—anything from less intrusive advertising to the ability to pay cash for content. Considering ad-blocking users can average 15% of traffic, that’s potential revenue you should start capturing…

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Understanding Your Ad-Blocking Audience: A Conversation With Frederick Leuschner, AAX CEO

Leading up to our upcoming webinar with the Acceptable Ads Exchange (AAX), The Revenue Boost You Could Use Right Now—Ad-Blocker Traffic, on April 30, @1PM, Editorial Director, Gavin Dunaway, had a conversation with CEO Frederick Leuschner. We talked about the importance of publishers not resorting to bad practices to mitigate…

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PWA or AMP? Why Not Both?

The mobile web has long been viewed as providing a terrible UX with slow-loading pages and poorly positioned and obtrusive ads. So we can’t even begin to talk about mobile web monetization without highlighting the importance of providing a quality UX that enables optimum user engagement. Together—Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)…

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PubForum Spotlight: We’ve Always Been At War With Bad Ads

Publishers add more ads per page and lower their floors to capture more revenue, hoping to ride things out until higher CPMs return.  Unfortunately, more ads, lower floors, and other desperate moves lead to more opportunities for bad actors to step in. And users will adopt blockers to maintain a…

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