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What’s Your Rev Ops Efficiency?

As we enter a new age of advertising, we want to better understand the impact of ad quality in direct deals as well as programmatic channels, as well as the workload of Rev Ops and Ad Ops teams. Specifically, do they have the tools they need to ensure the ads…

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Things That Keep Publishers up at Night

Everyone wants to feel special, have that custom, unique experience, whether it’s as an individual or a business looking for that “wow” factor. Advertisers can still have that wow factor with the use of templates on the back-end. Templates work, for starters, and they are also easy to set up…

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How Pubs Can Monetize Advertisers’ Content From Social Media

In preparation for our upcoming webinar, Unlocking a Creative-First Approach to Social Display, on Thursday, April 22 @ 1 PM EST (Register now!), AdMonsters Advisory Board Chairman, Rob Beeler, spoke with Nikki Gertner, Senior Product Manager, Celtra, about monetizing an advertiser's content from social media, having a range of ad…

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Meetup Debrief: It’s Time to Get Creative

On September 18, 2019, AdMonsters brought together an illustrious panel (Time to Get Creative), featuring Derek Gatts, Vice President, Ad Product CNN, Katie Spagnuolo, Associate Director, Media Strategy & Distribution, TripAdvisor and Ron Duque, Senior Director, Revenue Operations, GroundTruth, to discuss how to leverage the latest breakthroughs in creative technology,…

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