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The Native Chronicles: Creative Revival

This is the first article in the Native Chronicles series, brought to you with the support of TripleLift. Read the second article on flexibility and A/B testing and the third on the future of mobile.   The first banner ad is both a thing of legend and of infamy. The latter because it launched a revolution of…

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Chrome Gets Into the Ad Blocking Business for Real

A few months back, Google announced it would be equipping an ad blocker—or something like an ad blocker, maybe more like an ad filter—into newer versions of Chrome. The new Chrome feature would filter out ads deemed overly intrusive to the user experience. At the time, Google suggested it would…

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Death of Flash #opspov

Adobe Sets a 2020 Expiration Date for Flash: Now What?

This morning, Adobe announced it would cease development of Flash Player by the end of 2020, along with its roadmap for killing it off with minimal disruptions to user experience. It’s almost surprising to finally hear it from Adobe—much of the digital world has been bracing for a Flashless world…

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Could Chatbots Kill the Search Advertising Star?

I can’t say I was surprised by findings from research firm L2 Marketing that Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa is more likely to push Amazon Prime products on users seeking a variety of wares. There’s nothing scandalous in that—if I had an Alexa, I’d probably want it to look for Prime…

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The New Image of In-Image Ads

One of the great projects of digital media this decade has been streamlining and simplifying ad placements. We have the technology -- publishers can study where on the page they can get the most engagement, then figure out how to place an ad unit there, to grab the user at…

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Yumblr? Tumblhoo? Thoughts on Monetization

The headline that likely best sums up Yahoo’s acquisition of Tumblr comes from an unlikely source: “Yahoo Back On Top After Purchasing Millions Of 13-Year-Old Girls’ Blogs,” blasted The Onion.Snicker all you want (I did!), but basically Yahoo just spent $1.1 billion on a younger audience to bolster the aging…

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Advice For an Ad-Ops Intern

For the first time in history, the UM Ad Ops team is getting a summer intern. Apparently, there are a lot of mundane and basic tasks associated with Operations (who knew!), and our team will be able to push those tasks onto the intern for the next 2 ½ months.…

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Monster In the Mirror: Wiley’s Stefanie Petesic

Wiley's Stefanie Petesic tells us about her workweek, which she describes as 'octopus-like' in our latest Monster In the Mirror. From being a champion at 'inbox zero' to keeping a sense of humor, Stefanie optimizes her workday, while still trying to take time to unwind. VitalsName: Stefanie Petesic (formerly DiTerlizzi, which…

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Solving the Creative Conundrum

In today’s digital advertising world, fast is key. And, as attention spans shorten, webpages load quicker, and clicks become swifter, advertisers are increasingly vying for consumers’ attention at breakneck speeds.  On the sales side, the architecture to buy and sell advertising in a matter of milliseconds is already in place.…

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Know Kawaja, Know LUMAscapes

“I thought it would have jumped the shark by now,” says Terry Kawaja, founder and CEO of LUMA Partners. “But there are 10 of them now, constantly refreshed.” Display, search, video, mobile, social – each of these channels gets its own LUMAscape, a horizontal canvas packed tight with overstuffed banks of…

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