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Have We Reached the Limits of Ads.txt?

It's been reported this week that 1,400 mobile apps loaded ads on TV Guide's domain. How did this happen, in an age when everyone's on board with Ads.txt? Well, the answer is simple, but it's not what you want to hear: The buyers just hadn't been scanning those Ads.txt files…

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Clearing the Way for In-App Transparency

To deliver on the potential of automated buying and selling in the in-app space, advertisers, publishers and our industry as a whole are doubling down on transparency initiatives that make it harder for issues like fraud to take root and restore the faith in the good actors. Here’s a look…

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AdMonsters Playbook: Building a Video Business

As broadband connectivity and processor speeds have rapidly accelerated, consumer behavior online has gradually shifted from reading to viewing hours and hours of video. Call it the “TV-ification” of the web—the internet has become a video-centric experience. The “Show Me, Don’t Tell Me” revolution in consumer behavior online is fully…

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Who’s at Risk From Facebook’s News Feed Changes?

Back on Jan. 11, Facebook announced it was switching up its news feed algorithm to prioritize original posts from users, and to de-prioritize links to news stories. Following uproar and confusion from publishers and marketers about how much good or ill that will do to users, Facebook came back this…

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The Limits of Automation

Ad tech is an awfully cyclical industry. Ghosts of the past come back to haunt us all the time, whether they be ad fraud or brand safety. A Daily Beast story detailing how apps leveraging the Facebook Audience Network found themselves knee-deep in complaints about offensive ads thanks to an e-commerce…

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Assessing Amazon’s Alexa Advertising Advantage

The big news from Amazon’s direction this week is that the digital powerhouse (“e-tailer” doesn’t really suffice) has been having conversations with some major companies about how it might rev up its advertising efforts in Echo devices. Because Echo is driven by the voice-recognition tool Alexa, we’ve been seeing this…

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The Native Chronicles: Mobile Referendum

This is the third article in the Native Chronicles series, brought to you with the support of TripleLift. Read the first article on the "creative revival," and the second on flexibility and A/B testing.   For a long time, you could not go to a conference on advertising technology without hearing mention of…

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