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Best Of AdMonsters 2017

Throughout 2017, the discussion on the AdMonsters site, at our events and on our listserv has spun off in countless directions. A person has to wonder: Was there ever a time when it seemed the industry focused on one or two issues at a time, or do we just have…

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AdMonsters PubForum Nashville: The Live Blog

The 43rd AdMonsters Publisher Forum has taken us to Nashville, where we'll be spending the next few days wrapping our heads around a particularly intense season in digital media. From what I could gauge from chatting with attendees and sponsors at last night's dinner, there are loads of questions in…

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Apple’s Cookie-Blocking Policy Is a Gift to the Duopoly

First Apple came for our headphone jacks. Then they came for our first-party cookies. All right, it’s not that simple, but Apple’s updated cookie policy for its Safari browser feels like the company is twisting the knife a few more degrees, making its own rules without making any real concessions…

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AdMonsters Playbook: Optimizing Video Advertising

While video advertising is still a growing revenue center for most digital publishers, much has changed over the last six years. Intriguing new formats such as outstream have allowed online publishers to additional inventory and new video distribution channels have provided content creators methods to inhabit new platforms and thus…

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Mobile Was The Revenue Winner in 2016: IAB Report

The IAB held a call this week to present its latest Internet Advertising Report, developed from a semi-annual survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers. And the way the numbers sorted out, it became clear that 2016 was the year of… wait for it, this might be a shock…MOBILE!Kidding aside, we all know…

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The Duopoly Dominates, But For How Long?

The latest eMarketer estimates on US digital advertising are out and, yeah, there’s some stuff to grimace about. The infamous duopoly is expected to rake in more than 50% of US display spend (desktop and mobile) in 2017.According to eMarketer, Facebook will grab 39.1% of the display market in 2017,…

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