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#OPSPOV: Inching Toward Mobile Viewability

When the Media Rating Council released its updated mobile viewability specs for review last week, it didn’t hold too many surprises. The main definition of what counts as “viewable”—50% of pixels in view for one second in display, or for two seconds in video—carry over from the interim guidelines the…

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AdMonsters Playbook: Mobile App Advertising

When the iPhone App Store opened its metaphorical doors in 2008, it signaled a dawning age for digital media. Applications were by no means a new phenomenon—the majority of software on laptops, smartphones, tablets and other connected devices are applications. But accessing online media through an application other than a…

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Best of AdMonsters 2015

Looking back on what happened in digital media in 2015, it’s hard to summarize it, exactly. I keep thinking of something AdMonsters’ Publisher Rob Beeler said during our Publisher Forum in La Jolla last month: One of Rob’s old lines about the state of ad ops is, “Everything is status…

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#OPSPOV: Mobile Web Summons the Ad-Block-alypse

An attendee asked why I didn’t throw ad blocking in my recent top themes of the Charleston Publisher Forum. Truth be told, I thought ad blocking needed a dedicated #OPSPOV, especially considering the fallout from Apple’s launch of iOS9 today. As all the Apple fanboys rub their palms together in…

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