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Where Will Ad Tech Be 5 Years From Now?

At an AdMonsters PubForum in 2022, we asked about 10 groups of ad ops and rev ops professionals to put their best predictive analytical skills to work to identify which trends ad tech can look forward to five years from now. Here's what four of the groups came up with.

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Publishers Prove Resilient Through Industry Changes

Each PubForum, an exclusive publisher-only Think Tank comes together to discuss the most pressing issues in ad tech. In Nashville, the common consensus was that thriving through this tough period was dependent upon how you choose to reach your audience. Per the advice that has been touted through many industry…

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Take a Look Back on 2022 With Us

As we wrap up 2022, we wanted to take a minute to reflect on the year as an AdMonsters community. It's the time of year when many of us will pause and take stock. At the heart of the professional education that AdMonsters strives to create for the community is content…

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Purpose is Profit: Create a Sustainable Strategy

In her session, “Doing Some Good: Purpose as a Business Strategy,” at Publisher Forum Nashville, Lior Shvo from Primis highlighted how defining a greater purpose for your brand is an essential component of not only doing good for your customers and society, but also for creating and sustaining a successful…

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