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Beyond Viewability: Marketers Seek to Master Mobile Attention Analytics

A new Yieldmo-commissioned report, "Attention 2.0: Enhancing Ad Measurement Beyond Clicks & Viewability—How Customer Attention Metrics Can Improve Mobile Advertising Outcomes," from Forrester Consulting highlights the glaring gap between what marketers know how to measure in mobile advertising versus what they wish they could measure—and more importantly, how those metrics…

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Remember the Times: AdMonsters Top 10 Stories of 2018

For digital media and advertising 2018 has been a really exciting, but often bumpy, roller coaster ride. As far as ad operations is concerned, blockchain, artificial intelligence, location services, and mobile-first everything are offering promising monetization alternatives and other opportunities that bring publishers and brands closer to audiences in more…

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The Fallacy of the Right Ad, to the Right Person, Constantly

The data used for ad targeting feels more personal than ever, and the Cambridge Analytica story shows us the errors of levying personal information in ways users neither want nor expect. Publishers' job right now is to work with buy-side partners to find the right context for that personalization—and publishers…

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Inside the Buy Side: Catching Up With Gabe Greenberg of GABBCON

We keep hearing about how badly the digital media industry needs more conversations between the buy side and the sell side... so we decided to start one ourselves. We asked Gabe Greenberg, agency/marketing lifer, industry advisor, and CEO/Co-Founder of the GABBCON conference, to share perspectives from his extensive buy-side network.…

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