Everything about:

Brand Safety

Cleaning Up the Programmatic Supply Chain 

The advertising ecosystem has a huge opportunity to create a more transparent programmatic supply chain, where SSPs, brands, ad tech vendors, and agencies alike can commit to using new tools and tactics to improve how they work with publishers. By enhancing the control and transparency in the programmatic supply chain, we will ultimately…

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Is Contextual Ready For Post-Cookie Prime Time?

Is contextual scalable? How can publishers prove performance? Does contextual need to be standardized? In this video from Publisher Forum Virtual 2021, Scott Messer, Senior Vice President, Media, Leaf Group speaks with Emily Healy, Director, Digital Standards, Publicis Media about all of these topics and more.

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Audio Is Booming, But Can We Keep It Fraud-Free?

We've been wondering if this rush of ad dollars coming into the audio pipeline and move to streamline the ad supply chain with programmatic is opening the door for fraud to invade the quickly growing podcast and audio advertising ecosystem. So, we turned to Ryan Adams, SVP of Partnerships at…

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Signaling a Change for Publisher Brand Safety Tools

Balance is an important part of being a trusted news brand. But how do you keep your balance when you find yourself reporting from the center of the Hong Kong protests and months of unrest? South China Morning Post decided to develop a tool that read the headlines of every article…

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Brand Safety: Tools Will Drive Transparency

"As fun as it is to joke about blocklists, if we’ve learned anything over the past few months, it’s time publishers stop complaining and laughing over brand safety horror stories. We need tools to get the transparency we need—and truly connect with our counterparts on the buy-side when it comes…

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The Facebook Ad Boycott Could Be Magic for Publishers

The #StopHateForProfit Facebook advertising boycott, launched against the social media giant for continuously allowing hate speech and misinformation to exist on its platform, is steadily growing steam. Could this create an opportunity for publishers as brands seek to reallocate their ad spend? Folio Senior Editor, Greg Dool,  weighs in.

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What Is Demand Path Optimization (DPO)?

In the advertising industry, we are always looking for ways to be more efficient. This is especially true for media owners who are hoping to monetize their desirable content and audiences with the least amount of steps in between. Enter Demand Path Optimization which can clean up the media selling…

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