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Where Will Ad Tech Be 5 Years From Now?

At an AdMonsters PubForum in 2022, we asked about 10 groups of ad ops and rev ops professionals to put their best predictive analytical skills to work to identify which trends ad tech can look forward to five years from now. Here's what four of the groups came up with.

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What Is CryptoRTB?

We chatted with AdLedger's Executive Director, Christiana Cacciapuoti, to learn more about the problems that CryptoRTB solves in the supply chain, how it benefits both sellers and buyers, how it differs from ads.cert, and the results of tests using the protocol that prove that blockchain-based solutions can accommodate the speed…

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What Can Blockchain Really Do for Advertising in 2020?

Back in 2018, there was a lot of hype about blockchain saving advertising and Senior Editor Lynne d Johnson was riding the wave—high. Now that the hype is over, there are actually quite a few projects proving every day that blockchain and related technologies like cryptography and permissioned ledgers can…

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5 Big Takeaways From Ad Week NYC 2019

There were quite a few recurring themes that emerged from last week's Advertising Week New York 2019 (henceforth referred to as #AWNewYork) that struck me as being of great interest to folks in the ad operations and ad tech communities. So after gobbling up all of the information and digesting…

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What Is Cryptography?

If blockchain is the infrastructure that underpins Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, cryptography is the infrastructure that underpins blockchain. When you boil it down, the core problems cryptography solves are identity validation and data verification. Blockchain’s big value prop is the ability to facilitate transactions without a middle man. But, both…

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