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ad technology

Reach for the Sky: The Audience Extension Playbook

It is not a new technique, but technological advances such as Real-Time Bidding (RTB), Data Management Platforms (DMPs) and innovative look-a-like algorithms have transformed audience extension into an impressive revenue opportunity. Publishers are the gatekeepers to a wealth of data craved by advertisers, but there is no rule saying they…

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The Fog of Viewability

“It’s verification all over again!” I smirked on overhearing this statement following an intense discussion on viewability at the Digital Brand Forum in New York City recently. For an ad tech reporter, the verification battles were boon times – there were plenty of digital inches available to sop up the endless…

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Storytelling Around Data and Technology

The global advertising industry has evolved in recent years and the ad tech sector is undoubtedly one of the biggest catalysts driving change. Whether you highlight the increasing number of quantitative ad buying teams and the rise of performance media buying, or the growing legion of stat-focused experts tasked with discerning…

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Getting Real With Remarketing

Interest-based remarketing has been available to the industry for years. Today, most marketers who’ve been using remarketing execute it wisely -- and with skill. As a single method, remarketing has practically become an industry standard.But, if you look closely, this approach appears to be a preferred performance marketing measure. At…

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Why Publishers Are Now Scrambling for Viewable Impressions Audits

Most CFOs and CEOs don’t like surprises. Wall Street doesn’t either.If you’re an online publisher, what’s likely got you scrambling now is the IAB/4A’s/ANA timeline for viewable impressions: starting Q1, parallel reporting begins. Not only will publishers be expected to report served impressions the same way as the past decade—publishers…

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Lessons From TV: Viewable Impressions and Contract Guarantees

The frustrations of the world of digital media operations are many, though assumptions about its preeminent position for highly qualitative and accountable messaging are rarely questioned.  Yet if the digital world is so great with respect to accountable and qualitative measurement, why do we have so many issues compared to…

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Get Ready for the Coming Operationally-Driven Marketplace

Do you hear that sound? If you listen closely, you can hear dry erasers swiping whiteboards in conference rooms all over the globe. In each one, a digital tech company’s CEO and CMO are trying to push their ‘unique’ proposition to the advertising landscape by condensing its title into a…

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