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Private Marketplaces

Video Private Marketplaces Playbook

I feel like I've been eating, breathing and sleeping programmatic video over the past year. But have no complaints as this has to be one of the most exciting areas in advertising technology. Oh, you think I'm joking? Why don't you download our new playbook on private marketplaces and advanced…

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The Game Changer: How Programmatic Video is Reshaping Advertising

At a Publisher Forum several years ago, I distinctly remember the collective groan emitted when the topic of programmatic and video came up.The last thing anyone wanted to do was put their incredibly valuable video inventory into an exchange. Many publishers were sold out and/or commanding top CPMs for video.…

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PubForum Memories: Reflections From Sonoma, March 2015

It’s been a bit of a crazy time in AdMonsters-land – besides merging with Access Intelligence, I’ve been heavy into programming the upcoming OPS conference, June 9 in NYC. However, I just received a bunch of video clips back from our most recent Publisher Forum in Sonoma and it made…

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Forging Forward: Unlocking PMP Potential

The promise of private marketplaces is both alluring and straightforward. For brands, there’s the opportunity to reach engaged audiences of premium publishers with the efficiency of programmatic. For those premium publishers, there’s an opportunity to move inventory via programmatic, but at significantly higher CPMs than they can net in the…

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Six Tasty Takeaways From AdMonsters’ Massive OPS Event

I have just emerged from my sensory deprivation chamber following AdMonsters’ June 10 OPS conference – the stimulation of more than 500 industry players roaming four floors devoted to native advertising, multiscreen and technology was too much to digest. Just before I went into shock, Content Czar Rob Beeler guided…

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