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privacy sandbox

What Is PAAPI (Protected Audience API)?

Alongside the Topics API and Attribution APIs, PAAPI is intended to preserve the ability of publishers to monetize Chrome users while simultaneously protecting those users from the perceived intrusiveness of the combined weight of the targeting capabilities of the existing advertising technology marketplace.

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What Is Google Topics API?

Late last month, in a move that shocked no one, Google announced Topics, a Privacy Sandbox initiative it thinks can power interest-based targeting in Chrome when third-party cookies are phased out. Google calls Topics an evolution of their previous proposal for interest-based targeting which was called FLoC. 

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What Is SWAN?

You may have heard of SWAN in Google's Privacy Sandbox, but this SWAN is a community-operated and open source replacement for many use cases supported by third-party cookies. Compared to Google’s Privacy Sandbox offerings, SWAN (Secure Web Addressability Network) provides a legally compliant solution that will improve people’s privacy. No…

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What We Learned From the FLoC Origin Trial

Despite the FLoC origin trial limitations, we learned a fair amount about how FLoC might work in the future such as how many cohorts there might be (34 Thousand), how many users would be in a Cohort (at least 2K Synced users), and how often the Cohort is calculated (every…

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