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privacy sandbox

What Is SWAN?

You may have heard of SWAN in Google's Privacy Sandbox, but this SWAN is a community-operated and open source replacement for many use cases supported by third-party cookies. Compared to Google’s Privacy Sandbox offerings, SWAN (Secure Web Addressability Network) provides a legally compliant solution that will improve people’s privacy. No…

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What We Learned From the FLoC Origin Trial

Despite the FLoC origin trial limitations, we learned a fair amount about how FLoC might work in the future such as how many cohorts there might be (34 Thousand), how many users would be in a Cohort (at least 2K Synced users), and how often the Cohort is calculated (every…

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What Are Publisher Cohorts?

The upcoming loss of third-party identifiers within Chrome, and the changes that Apple has already made in that space, means that first-party data is in a strong position. Losing cross-domain identifiers only strengthens publishers’ first-party data, as a viable option for advertisers to continue reaching consumers. And this first-party data can…

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Launch and Hone your Regwall Strategy Now…Full Stop

One thing is certain, Relationships = Revenue. From registration walls to unlocking adblock users, to diversifying revenue with subscriptions, there are clear-cut steps that publishers can take now to collect first-party data and build relationships in preparation for the future. We spoke with Dan Rua, CEO of Admiral: The Visitor…

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Privacy Sandbox & Universal IDs: Like Oil & Water?

While the technology behind Google's Privacy Sandbox proposals is complex and constantly evolving, the premise (as we know it today) is simple: move targeting from a third-party cookie to a group (or cohort) of browsers. For much of 2020 these cohort-based approaches appeared to be the future of advertising in…

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On January 22, 2021, Google announced plans for its “First Locally Executed Decision over Groups Experiment” or FLEDGE for short. The announcement on Github describes how they will operationalize TURTLEDOVE for a first test. 

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First-Party Data and the Future of Advertising

When third-party cookies go away, authenticated users will by definition be in short supply, forcing advertisers to pay more to reach their target audiences. What about users who won’t log in and authenticate, a.k.a. the majority of audiences? That’s where the Privacy Sandbox comes in, to help with guests. Achieving this…

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So, an Academic Walks Into a W3C Meeting…

Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, recently chatted with Garrett Johnson—a marketing professor at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. His research focuses on privacy, the value of cookies, and the effectiveness of advertising. She was interested in a presentation he made to the W3C about the Economics of Digital Ad…

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Magnite recently released a new proposal in Google's Privacy Sandbox called PARRROT. We reached out to Garrett McGrath, VP of Product Management at Magnite, to sort out all of these birds so we can figure out how each of them might shape the future of advertising—either separately or together.

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Is W3C Listening to Smaller Companies?

We heard about a letter sent to the W3C Advisory Board, signed by 19 W3C members asking for an intervention because they felt that the voices of members from smaller organizations were not being recognized or taken seriously. The top name on this letter was James Rosewell, CEO and Co-Founder…

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