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AdMonsters Playbook: Evolution of the Header

We decided now was a perfect time to survey publishers to understand their current header (and Open Bidding) setups while seeing what they were plotting for an ambiguous future. We asked 35 publishers of various sizes and content verticals to fill out an intense questionnaire, and the results were extremely…

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What Is Footer Bidding?

The more header bidding adapters you add, the more bids you get and the more money you might make. But, the more requests you make, the more your user experience suffers. Enter Footer Bidding. The idea is simple: Don’t call any ad requests until the page has fully loaded. Instead…

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Client-Side vs. Server-Side? It’s a Draw

While it may come as no surprise that Google AdExchange generates the most programmatic revenue for U.S. publishers, when it comes to the battle between how much revenue is generated from client-side vs. server-side, we can pretty much call it even-Steven, according to a new report from Roxot called US…

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What Is Prebid.org?

Prebid.org has already been the central URL for the Prebid suite of open-source header bidding products and projects. As of Sept. 11, 2017, Prebid.org is also the name of the neutral industry organization that will offer guidelines and development support for Prebid products. AppNexus and Rubicon Project have publicly led…

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