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contextual targeting

Neuroprogrammatic Is the Future of Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising has yet to reach its peak potential. Cutting-edge advertisers are not merely matching ads to content based on topics. They contextually target ads based on emotion and a granular understanding of the moods of the audiences they want to reach. The technology bringing about this reinvention of contextual…

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Where Will Ad Tech Be 5 Years From Now?

At an AdMonsters PubForum in 2022, we asked about 10 groups of ad ops and rev ops professionals to put their best predictive analytical skills to work to identify which trends ad tech can look forward to five years from now. Here's what four of the groups came up with.

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Publishers Prove Resilient Through Industry Changes

Each PubForum, an exclusive publisher-only Think Tank comes together to discuss the most pressing issues in ad tech. In Nashville, the common consensus was that thriving through this tough period was dependent upon how you choose to reach your audience. Per the advice that has been touted through many industry…

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Content Is King Once Again, So, You Better Get It Right

Content is king once again. Just ask any buyer or seller where they've placed their bets for post-cookie targeting and contextual is top of mind. We chatted with Kevin Bobowski, Chief Marketing Officer, Siteimprove, about ways in which both marketers and publishers can optimize their content for accessibility, improved user experience,…

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What Is a Custom Content Taxonomy?

The digital advertising community has been witnessing what many are calling a resurgence of contextual advertising. But contextual advertising is only as effective as the taxonomy of content on which it is based. Enter custom content taxonomies. Most publishers currently use standardized content taxonomies by such organizations as the IAB,…

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Are We Ready for a Post-Cookie World Fueled by Hybrid Targeting?

While the full implications of a truly cookie-free ecosystem are not fully understood, advertisers and publishers have much to consider. Advertisers need an alternative to third-party cookies, one that will allow them to scale their campaigns and drive efficiency. In all likelihood, campaigns of the future will contain elements of first-party…

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Never Fear, IAB Seller-Defined Audiences Is Here

In the latest attempt at saving the day before the cookiepocalypse, please meet our potential super data hero — seller-defined audiences (SDA). This solution developed by the IAB Tech Lab is a proof of concept released last week as a result of Project Rearc launched two years ago. The SDA…

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Experience Comes First: Why Capitalizing on User Experience Is Key to a Sustainable Video & Revenue Growth Strategy

With steady increases in consumer streaming hours, creating engaging video content that excites and delights users and doesn’t interrupt their experience is paramount. Johanna Bergqvist, VP of Strategic Partnerships, Ex.co talked to us about leveraging user experience strategies into higher CPMs and inventory value to build credibility and trust with your…

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