Everything about:

Yield Management

What Is Dynamic Flooring?

Continuously establishing the right CPM floors to earn the highest revenue for your ad inventory without sacrificing fill rate is simply impossible to do manually. But it is possible to automate through dynamic flooring.

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Are Programmatic Demand Vendors Becoming An Endangered Species?

Are programmatic demand vendors becoming an endangered species like the Sirocco Kakapo parrot? Well, if they're not careful they just might be. Many SSPs aren't giving publishers the data they need to optimize their programmatic yield and meet revenue goals. Ad-Juster's Programmatic Scorecard evaluates the top 10 programmatic demand partners based…

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Unified Auction Brings High Anxiety to GAM City

Before the news of Google’s ad department reorganization broke, publishers had already been getting quite itchy over the machinations of Google Ad Manager. Now outgoing Director of Product Development Jason Bigler officially announced in a blog a few weeks ago what publishers had been hearing from their GAM account managers: the…

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Dotdash Has Publishing Down to a Science

Though her path to the publishing industry may seem unconventional, Dr. Deepna Devkar’s journey from academia to the corporate world has always been on a data-driven trajectory. During her keynote at the Miami Publisher Forum on Mar. 11, “Experimenting in the Revenue Lab With Data Science,” the Head of Data…

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Ad Ops Terms Explained: Best Of AdMonsters Decoder 2018

In the ad ops industry (aka “online ad operations," “online advertising operations," “ad operations,” “online ad ops," and “ops” in the trade)—things keep changing all the time. There’s a new regulation here, some new tech to learn about there and then a bunch of rejiggering the pipes to keep apace.…

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The Washington Post Talks About the DSM Flip

We all know Google plans to sunset DSM in 2019, and their publisher clients need a game plan for getting set up with a new OMS Jessica Titmus of the Washington Post shares advice on managing that OMS migration, looking at the Post's experiences migrating from DSM to Operative.

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AdMonsters Webinar: Future-Proof Your Rate Card (Video)

Did you miss our webinar this week, featuring experts from Condé Nast, The Boston Globe, DMW Media Works and our sponsor FatTail talking about creating the rate card for today's needs? Never make the mistake of missing another! But you can re-watch the whole thing at your convenience, right here.

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