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Data Quality

Publishers Need Deep Audience Insights Now More Than Ever

The demise of third-party cookies limits the amount of data publishers can leverage to enrich their own audience data. They need those prized data insights to get a fuller profile of the people consuming their media. Because without insights, advertisers are paying for access to a rather blurry picture of…

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Are We Ready for a Post-Cookie World Fueled by Hybrid Targeting?

While the full implications of a truly cookie-free ecosystem are not fully understood, advertisers and publishers have much to consider. Advertisers need an alternative to third-party cookies, one that will allow them to scale their campaigns and drive efficiency. In all likelihood, campaigns of the future will contain elements of first-party…

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What Is a Data Clean Room?

A data clean room is a secure, protected environment that enables two or more parties to bring data together for joint analysis with privacy, security, and governance rules in place. Data clean rooms are the future of data collaboration, but they’re not a new idea.

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Twenty Questions: Zero-Party Data Edition

What is zero-party data? Ask ten people (well, not ANY ten people; ten adtech dweebs) and you’ll get ten different answers—along with some medium-to-heavy ridicule. Zero-party data is still a relatively new concept (having been coined a scant three years ago), and adtech likes to take its time settling into new ideas.…

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Advertising Industry Learning and Professional Development

Yes, Virginia—You Can Sell First-Party Data

Now that the third-party cookie is on its farewell tour, publishers are warily giving their first-party data another look, but a big question remains: how do publishers actually sell first-party data marketplaces and garner advertiser interest? During an AdMonsters Webinar on Nov. 12, 2020, Insider Inc.'s VP of Programmatic Sales…

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AdMonsters Playbook: The Identity Connection

As the sunset of the third-party tracking cookie approaches, one of the most promising options—enabling publishers to monetize their audiences and advertisers to address audiences with confidence—is identity or people-based marketing. This playbook, created in partnership with Lotame, dives into identity as a concept and explains the wealth of advantages…

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The Big Google Cookie Crumble: 5 Sessions To Help You Prep

Google’s recent announcement that it would follow Safari and Firefox in eliminating third-party tracking cookies—within two years—shook the digital advertising industry like an earthquake off the Richter scale. Are you panicking at the idea that the majority of your inventory will soon lack identifiers? Are you hyperventilating about digital publishers'…

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PubForum Scottsdale: The Wonderful World Of Workshops

On the last day of AdMonsters Publisher Forum Scottsdale when publishers went into their workshop groups to explore the issues affecting them in their day-to-day—it was sort of a cross between a support group and a brainstorm on steroids. Topics included "Optimizing Your DMP," "Selling the Data," "Privacy Regulations," "Programmatic…

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Blockchain Leads the Transparency Brigade: Lucidity’s Miguel Morales

During its short time bouncing around the ad-tech echoplex, blockchain has already run the full hype cycle: from "the next big thing" to "running joke" and now "potentially legit." Tech startups are finally deploying actionable and scalable solutions to a variety of problems, meaning you don't look hip at parties now when you scoff at blockchain. One…

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