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ad blocking

Ad Block Wars, Episode 4: New Hope(s)

“If you had asked me 10 years ago if millions of people would pay $10 a month for their music, I’d have said that’s a suspect proposition,” comments Dan Rua, CEO of Admiral. “But over time user expectations, platforms and many other things have changed so now it’s a very…

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IAB Proposes a LEAN Takeover

All your standard units are LEAN now.That was the gist of the IAB’s unveiling of its new Standard Ad Unit Portfolio, now available for draft comment. Pretty much every standard display unit is being replaced by a flexible LEAN (Light, Encrypted, Ad-Choice Supported, Non-Invasive) unit, and the famous/infamous Rising Stars…

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#OPSPOV: So Ad Blockers Are Selling Ads Now?

You don't have to be following the DMEXCO conference in Cologne, Germany, to have heard the biggest story/scandal. EyeO GmbH – the parent company of everyone's favorite ad blocker, AdBlock Plus (ABP) – decided the event was a prime time to announce the launch of its new exchange for replacing…

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#OPSPOV: Appealing to the Ad Blocker’s Conscience

“Who are these ad blocking folks anyway?” asks the latest survey from the IAB.Come on, we all know the answer to that: they’re a bunch of millennial brats that think they’re entitled to all the content in the world without being a little bit annoyed by brand messaging. They don’t…

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The OPS Are All Right: Highlights From the 2016 Event

“This is not a silver-bullet conference,” said AdMonsters Publisher Rob Beeler in his opening remarks at OPS NY this past June 7. “Does anyone make or use silver bullets anyway?”This was tamed down from my suggestion that any one of the 800 attendees using the term “silver bullet” be flogged…

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#OPSPOV: Who Will Block the Blockers?

In “15 Million Merits” – my favorite episode from the contemporary “Twilight Zone”-esque anthology, “Black Mirror” – our dystopian future protagonist lies in his cubicle-like bedroom with no walls, but a giant video screen that also serves as a wall. After a long day of riding a stationary bike at…

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The New Image of In-Image Ads

One of the great projects of digital media this decade has been streamlining and simplifying ad placements. We have the technology -- publishers can study where on the page they can get the most engagement, then figure out how to place an ad unit there, to grab the user at…

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Best of AdMonsters 2015

Looking back on what happened in digital media in 2015, it’s hard to summarize it, exactly. I keep thinking of something AdMonsters’ Publisher Rob Beeler said during our Publisher Forum in La Jolla last month: One of Rob’s old lines about the state of ad ops is, “Everything is status…

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State of Ad Ops 2015

Just what is the state of ad ops? It’s complicated. Literally. As AdMonsters Publisher Rob Beeler suggests in his executive summary to the State of Ad Ops 2015 (sponsored by Sizmek), complexity is more foe to a digital publisher than competing sites. Indeed, that’s why digital pubs are willing to…

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Liveblogging La Jolla: Day 2

The crowd is re-assembling at Estancia La Jolla on this, the second day of AdMonsters Publisher Forum 37 (you can check out the liveblog for the first day here -- there was a lot going on). We had a packed day yesterday, with some excellent discussions and a ton of…

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