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Are We Overcomplicating Floor Pricing Optimization?

Discover how behavioral economics offers a simpler, more effective approach to floor pricing optimization. Kean Wang, VP of Product and Strategy at Intowow, reveals best practices for balancing Header Bidding and Google Ad Manager to maximize publisher revenue.

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Accessing Google Ad Exchange Has Never Been Easier

Integrated within Google Ad Manager, publishers have two distinct ways to access AdX that cater to their various needs and requirements through the Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) program: Platform Partners and Monetization Partners. Here’s a breakdown of both paths.

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What Is PPID and How Does It Benefit Publishers?

PPIDs are a unique identifier assigned by a publisher to a user. Publishers will share PPIDs with Google’s programmatic demand and this process will help them customize their ads and targeting. On the other hand, ESPs allow publishers to share encrypted first-party signals with buy-side platforms of their choosing. What are the…

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Privacy Sandbox & Universal IDs: Like Oil & Water?

While the technology behind Google's Privacy Sandbox proposals is complex and constantly evolving, the premise (as we know it today) is simple: move targeting from a third-party cookie to a group (or cohort) of browsers. For much of 2020 these cohort-based approaches appeared to be the future of advertising in…

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Level Up Your Ad Ops Skills While Working From Home

We caught up with Brandon Gains, VP of Marketing at MonetizeMore to learn more about why his company teamed up with PubGuru to launch PubGuru University to bring AdSense and GAM training to ad ops professionals. We also talked about strategies for bringing teams closer together through training during stay-at-home…

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What Is Footer Bidding?

The more header bidding adapters you add, the more bids you get and the more money you might make. But, the more requests you make, the more your user experience suffers. Enter Footer Bidding. The idea is simple: Don’t call any ad requests until the page has fully loaded. Instead…

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