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Connected TV

Live Streaming Takes Brand Advertising Full Circle

In this op-ed by Dave Dembowski, SVP of Global Sales at Operative, discover how live sports streaming revolutionizes brand advertising, blending traditional broadcast strategies with digital innovation. Explore the complex dynamics, major players, and future sports broadcasting landscape in the streaming era.

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5 Key Takeaways from IAB #TechLabSummit Day 1

Explore cutting-edge insights from the IAB Tech Lab Summit Day 1. Discover how CTV converges with linear TV, the revolutionary impact of ad creative IDs, and the evolution of identity strategies. Dive into the urgent call for sustainability in advertising and enjoy Kara Swisher's sharp wit on tech's progress.

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Beyond Demographics: Why Emotions Are the Future of CTV Targeting

BrandDiscovery allows brands to target their CTV ads based on the emotions of specific scenes within TV shows. We sat down with Peter Crofut, Wurl's VP of Business Development for Agencies and Brands and Matthew Kramer, Head of Brand Investment at Media.Monks discuss BrandDiscovery and the potential to redefine the…

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Shifting Screens: AMC’s Streaming Struggles and Ad Tech Evolution

Streaming’s rise is drastically changing TV consumption, and cable companies are pivoting to join the revolution. Like many other cable programmers, AMC Networks faces cord-cutting obstacles, declining linear viewership, and reduced ad revenue as brands shift to streaming platforms. In response, AMC developed a streaming distribution system to complement cable…

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