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Latency in Header Bidding: What Kind of Latency Are We Talking?

If header bidding offers such a great boost for yield among its most vocal champions, why would a programmatically active publisher have reservations about implementing it? Well, there are a few things. But one of the top concerns making some publishers shy about header bidding is latency. Pre-bid calls are…

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Quality Climbs Up the Chain: A Conversation on Security and QA with The Media Trust’s Chris Olson

As the ultimate destination for advertising and interface for users, digital publishers have long borne the responsibility of preventing malvertising and other nasty business from sneaking through. However, quality control is imperative for all the players in the advertising chain – and in the last few years, exchanges and other…

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QA in the Videoscape: Keeping Quality in Line with Demand

As demand among buyers for quality video inventory has risen, so have the channels for transacting on video--programmatic video, video private marketplaces, programmatic TV. At the same time, so have the platforms into which advertisers feel enthusiastic about buying video inventory, with in-demand media bursting into outstream, mobile and other…

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The Ad Ops Pat Down: The Creative QA Process

Imagine being head of security at a stadium that holds several hundred events during the year. You are responsible for the safety of each person entering the stadium and for ensuring nothing happens that might lead to a lawsuit. Obviously you can't afford to let any weapons in no matter…

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