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The AdMonsters Private Exchange Playbook

As increasing spend flows through programmatic channels, the private exchange concept is considered a boon to both buyers and sellers through enhanced trading controls and inventory transparency. In particular, it's a convenient way for publishers to better monetize inventory headed to programmatic channels while meeting and exceeding the demands of…

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The AdMonsters’ Publisher DMP Evaluation Playbook

Media buyers increasingly want to target specific audiences, and are using technologies that evaluate and buy impressions based on audience data. In an advertising environment increasily based on audience segments, DMPs or data management platforms, have become an integral tool in helping publishers truly understand the value of their audiences. Publishers…

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Reach for the Sky: The Audience Extension Playbook

It is not a new technique, but technological advances such as Real-Time Bidding (RTB), Data Management Platforms (DMPs) and innovative look-a-like algorithms have transformed audience extension into an impressive revenue opportunity. Publishers are the gatekeepers to a wealth of data craved by advertisers, but there is no rule saying they…

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