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The Game Changer: How Programmatic Video is Reshaping Advertising

At a Publisher Forum several years ago, I distinctly remember the collective groan emitted when the topic of programmatic and video came up.The last thing anyone wanted to do was put their incredibly valuable video inventory into an exchange. Many publishers were sold out and/or commanding top CPMs for video.…

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AdMonsters Playbook: Incorporating Programmatic Video

It doesn't take a savant to see that digital video advertising is hotter than an industrial forge. eMarketer estimated that digital video ad spend hit $6 billion in 2014, and spend for 2015 will run somewhere around $7.7 billion. And within that, programmatic video spend will hit $2.8 billion in…

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Stack Chat: CBSi Talks Shop With A&E

“The good thing is that we are on a vendor stack,” commented Ricardo Collison, VP of Revenue Platforms for CBSi. “The bad thing is that we are on a vendor stack.”A digital totem pole built out of a mishmash of mismatched pieces, the revenue tech stack stands in the center…

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Publisher Forum: Highlights from Austin

Greetings from the Lone Star State! AdMonsters' 34th Publisher Forum is officially under way in the Texas capital. If you couldn't make it down this time, don't fret. You can stay tuned right here for updates and content from the week. As for missing out on the barbecue, we'll try…

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PubForum Profile: Tribune’s Barbara Healy

As we gear up for Publisher Forum Columbia Gorge, we shine the spotlight on a few seasoned PubForum regulars to get their takes on the changing dynamics of the industry. You can join the conversation at Publisher Forum. Register Now.Barbara Healy, Senior Vice President, Digital Advertising Operations at Tribune Digital/Tribune Publishing,…

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Open Video Viewability: One Code to Assess Them All?

“We assert that a common interoperable technical approach to measurement is preferable to multiple, incompatible and non-standard technologies.”Thus reads the charter of the Open Video Viewability (OpenVV) project led by TubeMogul in conjunction with 25-odd ad technology and measurement providers (the latter includes Nielsen and DoubleVerify), most of them household…

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How Viable Is Video Viewability?

Fifty percent of pixels in view on the in-focus browser tab for two continous seconds. It doesn’t seem like a giant barrier to cross for a video ad to be considered in-view – and that was the point.Following the June 30 lifting of the Media Rating Council’s advisory against transacting…

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PubForum Profile: Zenith Optimedia’s Julian Zilberbrand

As we gear up for Publisher Forum Columbia Gorge, we shine the spotlight on a few seasoned PubForum regulars to get their takes on the changing dynamics of the industry. You can join the conversation at Publisher Forum. Register Now.There’s a reason why you’ve seen Julian Zilberbrand sounding off at…

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