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Crumbling Cookies and a Rotten Apple: A Rock and a Hard Place for Pubs

By now, you know that the Chrome third-party cookiepocalypse is staved off for at least another year.  The reasons are many …. CafeMedia’s Paul Bannister outlines how difficult it’s been to get the user-tracking alternatives off the ground.  Meanwhile, Mike Juang at Ad Age posits that buy-side pressure spurred the delay. …

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Best Practices for Monetizing Native Ads in Your Email

Publishers are already using what they know about their audiences to fuel their editorial, but those very same insights can be used to power advertising and revenue as well. Leveraging your first-party audience data, you can build a scalable direct-sold program around premium ad packages that resonate with your audience…

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Privacy Sandbox & Universal IDs: Like Oil & Water?

While the technology behind Google's Privacy Sandbox proposals is complex and constantly evolving, the premise (as we know it today) is simple: move targeting from a third-party cookie to a group (or cohort) of browsers. For much of 2020 these cohort-based approaches appeared to be the future of advertising in…

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Native in Email: Blueprinting the Future for Publishers

LiveIntent recently launched Native Ad Blueprints, a solution for publishers to create scalable premium ad experiences in email newsletters, streamline their native ad operations, and better target, optimize and measure their native campaigns. We spoke with Nick Dujnic, VP, Marketing, LiveIntent to learn more about this new product, as well…

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How USA TODAY Sports Is Developing First-Party Authentication Strategies for Building Consumer Trust

Jason White, SVP and Head of Publishers, LiveRamp, and Chris Pirrone, General Manager, USA TODAY, Sports Media Group, take AdMonsters Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, on a deep dive discussion into the world of publisher first-party authentication strategies. "If cookies were the currency before, the gold is that relationship with…

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Maximizing the Value of First-Party Data

In preparation for our upcoming webinar with Permutive: Vox Media’s Approach to a Changing Media Landscape, Tuesday, April 27, 1 PM ET, (Register now!), I spoke with Michael Ogunjobi, Customer Success Lead, Permutive, about how publishers can fully maximize the value of their first-party data and demonstrate that value to…

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