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What Is Identity Resolution, And How Does It Impact Publishers?

Identity resolution is recognizing a unique user — regardless of channel or device — to create a persistent and privacy compliant unified profile. Identity resolution often happens in real-time, when a person visits a website or app to enable targeting or personalization. However, identity resolution can also occur in an…

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What Are Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)?

Two seconds — this is the average attention span of visitors on a web page, and if the page doesn’t load within this time, readers start bouncing off. Increased page load time will turn into an increased bounce rate and decreased ad revenue, which is bad news for publishers. To tackle…

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What Is Decoder and Why Are These the 6 Best of 2022?

In 2022, we covered topics ranging the spectrum of privacy regulations, retail media networks and the most efficient ways to create unique identifiers for consumers. Let’s look back on the hot topics and the most Googled terms that kept the industry buzzing this year. 

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What is IAB’s Multi-State Privacy Agreement (MSPA)?

Another day, another way for the ad tech alphabet soup plot to thicken. But this time, it seems to be a step in the right direction towards unifying compliance across state privacy laws called the Multi-State Privacy Agreement (MSPA). As of late, IAB and the IAB Tech Lab is committed to encouraging…

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What Is PPID and How Does It Benefit Publishers?

PPIDs are a unique identifier assigned by a publisher to a user. Publishers will share PPIDs with Google’s programmatic demand and this process will help them customize their ads and targeting. On the other hand, ESPs allow publishers to share encrypted first-party signals with buy-side platforms of their choosing. What are the…

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What Is Ad Refresh? All That a Publisher Needs to Know

The ad tech industry is packed with several solutions (such as header bidding, A/B testing, etc.) to help publishers optimize their ad revenue. One such solution is ad refresh, which is considered advantageous by a lot of publishers yet there is some skepticism around using it due to its controversial…

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