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Never Fear, IAB Seller-Defined Audiences Is Here

In the latest attempt at saving the day before the cookiepocalypse, please meet our potential super data hero — seller-defined audiences (SDA). This solution developed by the IAB Tech Lab is a proof of concept released last week as a result of Project Rearc launched two years ago. The SDA…

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What is VRM and Why Does Every Publisher Need It?

With the vast majority of publishers unable to monetize double-digit percentages of their audiences due to adblockers, we felt this was a problem that wasn’t going to go away, was only going to increase in magnitude, and was certainly one worth solving. Unlike early solutions that forced ads to serve by…

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What Is a Data Clean Room?

A data clean room is a secure, protected environment that enables two or more parties to bring data together for joint analysis with privacy, security, and governance rules in place. Data clean rooms are the future of data collaboration, but they’re not a new idea.

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The Future of CTV Is End-to-End

Companies that can forge a strong connection between the buy- and sell-sides are the ones that stand to win here. They can provide the most effective, efficient path forward for both parties to transact. The more holistic and advanced the offerings that ad tech partners can provide, the more efficient…

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AdMonsters 2021 Powerful Playbook Pack

2021 brought a lot of change in digital media in advertising. But not everything was about the ill-fated third-party cookie. This year, our playbooks focused on data, identity, and privacy. But ad quality is still a troublesome thing, especially in mobile apps. And let's not forget the friction between different…

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Webinar Replay: No Third-party Cookies, No Problem: Ranker on First-party Data in a Privacy-safe World

How can publishers future proof their businesses by turning requests coming in from advertisers into privacy-first, first-party data strategies, especially as the third-party cookie goes away? That's exactly what attendees learned at our recent webinar — No Third-party Cookies, No Problem: Ranker on First-party Data in a Privacy-safe World —…

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Twenty Questions: Zero-Party Data Edition

What is zero-party data? Ask ten people (well, not ANY ten people; ten adtech dweebs) and you’ll get ten different answers—along with some medium-to-heavy ridicule. Zero-party data is still a relatively new concept (having been coined a scant three years ago), and adtech likes to take its time settling into new ideas.…

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Putting Contextual in Context: Can Standardized Definitions and Taxonomies Lead to Scale?

Whether it's evaluating contextual as a key performance driver amidst the decline of third-party cookies and mobile identifiers, or new use cases—like extending contextual audiences into CTV—there is so much more to consider about the practice of segmenting and analyzing content. So in advance of our upcoming Revenue Strategy Session,…

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