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3rd-party data

The Data Warehouse Has Replaced Many DMP Functions, but Is It Enough for Publisher Data Monetization?

As data privacy regulations evolve, publishers are centralizing data within warehouses, but is it enough for data monetization? With DMPs falling short, the future lies in purpose-built applications that enhance activation, streamline audience building, and support complex identity resolution and collaboration. Dive into the challenges and opportunities for sustainable revenue…

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Yahoo ConnectID’s New Integration Boosts Publisher Profits Without Cookies

This seamless integration allows publishers who have adopted LiveRamp’s ATS to unlock additional demand from Yahoo DSP, substantially improving the monetization of their addressable supply. "Demand-side interoperability has been a key feature, and now, with our expanded partnership, publishers can achieve greater scale and better monetization through Yahoo ConnectID," explains…

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Answering Who Owns the Data AI is Trained On?

To say that Reddit's IPO is causing a stir is an understatement. Part of that excitement is due to generative AI. Google and other AI companies are just itching to get their hands on Reddit's vast pool of user-generated content to train its models.

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What are the Best Practices for Using Alternative IDs?

As the industry moves away from the use of third-party tracking cookies, there are several solutions taking shape to help target users while keeping their information secure. One of those solutions is alt IDs, which tend to befuddle even the most seasoned players. The most important thing right now in trying…

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Google Responds to the IAB Tech Lab’s Scathing Privacy Sandbox Report: “It’s Full of Inaccuracies”

Last week, the IAB Tech Lab released a comprehensive report detailing the challenges of Google's Privacy Sandbox. In response, Google thanked the IAB Tech Lab for showcasing their perspective but asserted that their "analysis contains many misunderstandings and inaccuracies, which we consider important to correct in order to provide accurate information…

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Digital Advertising Needs a New Class of Cookies

The IAB Tech Lab issued a report expressing significant concerns about Google's Privacy Sandbox. To some in the industry, such as Uri Lichter, CEO at Intango, the problem is that the notion of third-party cookies is too broad. The industry needs to come together to develop a new class of cookies that help…

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