
Take a Look Back on 2022 With Us

As we wrap up 2022, we wanted to take a minute to reflect on the year as an AdMonsters community. It's the time of year when many of us will pause and take stock. At the heart of the professional education that AdMonsters strives to create for the community is content…

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Why Publishers Need to Keep Their Ads.txt Files up to Date

Domain spoofing is still a big problem on the open web, especially for highly-ranked sites that have done an excellent job at earning the trust of their audiences. And even though ads.txt was created to thwart bad actors from performing arbitrage, domain spoofing, clickjacking and ultimately messing with legit publishers'…

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Seen and Heard: Top 6 Tweets From AdMonsters #OpsNY

So, you missed AdMonsters Ops 2022 in New York? While I won't outright call you a loser, I will say you missed some of the most intriguing discussions about where the future of ad tech and revenue operations is headed. And while what life looks like post-cookie ran throughout the…

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