
What Is Header Bidding?

Header bidding is a way for publishers to solicit real-time bids from a multitude of programmatic partners on each and every piece of inventory by using the page header within a site's source code. Basically, it’s a convoluted way to bypass the ad server waterfall and ensure inventory is valued…

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What Is the Waterfall?

You may hear a lot these days (particularly on a header-cheerleading site like this one) about the ad-server waterfall being vanquished like some fairy-tale villain. Well, it’s not entirely gone, and similar to many foes in children’s stories, it wasn’t always such a bad thing—it was simply exploited. In the…

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New Vision For the Header: A Conversation With PulsePoint

In the relatively brief amount of time since digital publishers have adopted header bidding en masse, the header has become jam-packed with demand partners. With new header solutions being built each day, publishers are now wondering how to manage—from who to let into their header to what criteria is available…

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The End Is Not Nigh for Digital Advertising

Last June, a major revenue guy from Medium spoke at AdMonsters’ Ops conference, laying out a fascinating native advertising model transacted on a time-spent basis. It was a bold plan that sparked a great deal of conversation throughout the event.So you can imagine I was disheartened when reading Ev Williams’…

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What Is VAST?

AdMonsters is proud to introduce the Decoder series, which aims to get past the ad tech jargon and opacity to explain how the industry works in terms the masses can understand. Look for new entries every week on a variety of topics. First up: VAST, the standard that continues to…

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Begin Pondering ‘Begin-to-Render’ Impression Counting

The rendered ad future just got a bit more nuanced following proposals for new measurement standards from the IAB and MRC.During the Austin Publisher Forum in August 2016, a swath of ops professionals gathered for a breakout on an issue that was only beginning to breach the surface. Discrepancies were…

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