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streaming advertising

Live Streaming Takes Brand Advertising Full Circle

In this op-ed by Dave Dembowski, SVP of Global Sales at Operative, discover how live sports streaming revolutionizes brand advertising, blending traditional broadcast strategies with digital innovation. Explore the complex dynamics, major players, and future sports broadcasting landscape in the streaming era.

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Big Takeaways From Cynopsis’ 5th Annual Big TV Conference 2023

During the last week of September industry experts provided their perspectives on streaming and linear challenges like measurement, the state of linear tv compared to streaming, sustainability, cost effective programming, understanding Gen Z, first party data, and more. In case you missed it, dive into the short summaries of our favorite…

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Customer Experience Key to Streaming Advertising Success

In the war of streaming video, the gap between winners and losers depends on how well a publisher delivers on SVOD's promise—a data-driven business in which content is more personalized and the ad targeting capabilities are better than digital, or even TV. Viewer behavior can tell you what people want…

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