Search results for programmatic

1262 Results

Download the 2014 Salary Survey

The 2014 edition of the AdMonsters Salary Survey is here! The survey explores over 30 data points on ad operations roles within publishers, agencies, networks and solutions companies from over 320 respondents around the world, and provides data on salaries by position, seniority, geographic area, number of reports, as well…

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#OPSPOV: The Tagless Option (Note – Requires Tags)

Editor's Note: Emry DowningHall, Director of StudyBreak Media, will be leading a larger discussion on "tagless" solutions at AdMonsters Publisher Forum in Sonoma from March 1-4. He kindly allowed us to reprint this insightful blog post as a preview to his talk. Got questions? Ask Emry in person at the…

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It Ain’t Automatic: The Manual Side of Programmatic

Ask someone to explain what “programmatic” is and they will invariably use the word “automation.” Makes sense, but automation for whom? For buyers, programmatic platforms certainly automate the purchasing of media across sites. For sellers, programmatic brings hundreds if not thousands of buyers their way without sales having to pick…

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#OPSPOV: Pettigrew Ascends From Ops to the C-Suite

Gawker co-founder and CEO Nick Denton sent the digital media world into a tizzy Wednesday by announcing he was stepping down as president and replacing himself with a group of senior managing partners to oversee the media empire. As I scrolled through the list of the anointed, I saw one…

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AdMonsters Meetup

During this Meetup, publishers will discuss all the elements of stack strategy: arrangement of the various tools; optimizing and experimenting with multiple demand sources; allowing channels (such as direct sold and private exchanges) compete; and more. In addition, they’ll opine on best practices regarding team roles and structure; sales approach;…

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#OPSPOV: Should Pubs Care About Ad-ID?

Long weekends updating inventory for a massive bookstore during my college years helpd me realize that scanning Universal Product Codes made a painful process much more tolerable. In fact, I refused to let my mind wander and consider what a tedious practice inventory management was like before UPCs and handheld…

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The History of Ops, Part I

“This industry is literally 20 years old,” comments Michael Alania, EVP at Outsourced Ad Ops and witness to the at-times insanely rapid evolution of digital advertising and the operations role at its core. “You look at where we are now versus where we’ve come from, it’s pretty staggering. And with…

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AdMonsters Meetup: Pubs Tackle Creative

This Meetup brings together several premium publishers to explain how creative-facing initiatives sync into typical operations workflow and delve into the tools and processes required. Are there standards that can be applied across screens and platforms? How does operations handle scaling and the integration of viewability metrics and technollogy? Can…

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