Operative: Audio Q&A With Simulmedia’s Dave Morgan on TV Audience Targeting

At Ad:Tech NYC, Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson and Simulmedia CEO Dave Morgan took the stage for a wide ranging discussion on the future of digital media. The Op-Ed covered the core of that discussion in a piece last week, and also tracked down Morgan after the chat for a brief audio Q&A.

Simulmedia’s platform lets advertisers buy targeted audiences on television as opposed to specific shows, so we spoke with Morgan about why television needs his technology, whether digital publishers should be worried about it and if he sees online and TV advertising converging today:

Question One: How is targeted television advertising bought? Does it look more like a TV buy or a digital buy?


Question Two: Why does television need to move into targeting? Are the massive audiences found there not enough to make it profitable?


Question Three: Should digital publishers be afraid that one of its differentiators, granular targeting, is now available to television as well?


Question Four: Let’s talk about convergence. If you start to buy TV the same way you buy digital advertising, will we start to see IOs with both TV and Web line items?


Originally published at Operative’s The Op-Ed; reprinted with permission.