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live streaming

Live Streaming Takes Brand Advertising Full Circle

In this op-ed by Dave Dembowski, SVP of Global Sales at Operative, discover how live sports streaming revolutionizes brand advertising, blending traditional broadcast strategies with digital innovation. Explore the complex dynamics, major players, and future sports broadcasting landscape in the streaming era.

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Go Big or Go Home: Sports Media Companies Cash In

Maybe it’s the “larger than life”-sized player personalities. Maybe it’s the rabid, easy-to-amass audience segments. Or maybe it’s some marvelous combination of the two — but sports media brands are cashing up and turning pandemic-driven shifts in content consumption into new pathways for revenue generation.

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AdMonsters Playbook: Building a Video Business

As broadband connectivity and processor speeds have rapidly accelerated, consumer behavior online has gradually shifted from reading to viewing hours and hours of video. Call it the “TV-ification” of the web—the internet has become a video-centric experience. The “Show Me, Don’t Tell Me” revolution in consumer behavior online is fully…

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