Search results for apachesolr_search/2012 london olympics

169 Results

Football’s Latest Signing: Squawka

When I first heard about second screen companion app Squawka, I could barely contain my excitement. As a football (ahem, soccer) enthusiast, I've always been keen on the stat side of the game, and Squawka looks set to be a stat monkey's dream. I sat down with the CEO & Co-Founder, Sanjit…

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The 6 Letters Holding Back TV Everywhere

TV Everywhere- the ability to watch any televised program at any time on any device- isn’t a matter of ‘if’ anymore but rather a question of 'when' once you consider the evolving viewing habits of US consumers and the changing dynamics of the pay television business. The ‘when’ for TV Everywhere becoming a mainstream…

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Witness the Boom: Mobile Marketing Live Kicks Off 1 Oct.

Mobile Marketing Live opens for business on 1 October at the Business Design Centre in London. The event encompasses an exhibition, conference, training and networking. In the conference, delegates will hear from Google, talking about the three big trends in mobile: social, local and commerce; Ford, talking about turning the car…

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Let’s Hear It for the Girls… And All That Extra Inventory

The past two weeks’ Olympic triumphs and tragedies have driven home to me the importance of publishers’ need to use technology to monetize dramatic spikes in traffic. Ok, you wonder how I can make the leap from sports spectaculars to advertising inventory monetization.London 2012 is an amazing – actually a…

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Bringing Home Gold at the Opslympics

The world is glued to the Summer Olympics action in London, gazing in wonder as competitors put the human body and spirit to the test. Of course, while these athletes have poured hellacious amounts of blood, sweat and tears into training for this moment – but could they meet the…

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Q&A with Sanjit Atwal CEO & Co-Founder of Squawka

When I first heard about second screen companion app Squawka I could barely contain my excitement. As a football (ahem soccer) enthusiast I've always been keen on the stat side of the game and Squawka looks set to be a stat monkey's dream. I sat down with the CEO & co-founder to…

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Is Two the Simplest Number for Interactive TV?

Interviewing Ernesto Schmitt of Zeebox for the previous Screen Grab, I was struck by what he said about media buying becoming more complicated, because of the need to identify the multiple user journeys on the second screen. What made me pause was not the idea of multiple user journeys themselves,…

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