Search results for programmatic

1262 Results

The Fog of Viewability

“It’s verification all over again!” I smirked on overhearing this statement following an intense discussion on viewability at the Digital Brand Forum in New York City recently. For an ad tech reporter, the verification battles were boon times – there were plenty of digital inches available to sop up the endless…

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This Week in Ad Ops: Big Company Moves, Mobile Margins, and More

 We're Making Waves Our Publisher Forum in Sonoma, Calif., is coming together nicely; we've secured a stellar batch of industry leaders for our keynotes and sessions, including, Method, Inc.'s Paul Valerio, Former Cheezburger CRO and startup analyst Todd Sawicki, BuzzFeed's Eric Harris, and MAGNAGLOBAL's Brian Monahan.We've also opened up registration…

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Capturing ‘Profit-Tailwinds’ and Revenue Growth

Many leading digital publishers are meeting the challenge of growing revenues with varying degrees of success. However, one challenge that remains a constant is the ability to grow profitability at the same rate or faster than revenue.The predominant focus of many leading organizations remains yield (or eCPM). Adroit sales and…

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Todd Sawicki: The Start-Up Angel

Ad operations is no laughing matter. Then again, when you're in charge of bringing in the ad bucks for the Web's reigning authority on everything meme, jest in unavoidable. And, selling ad space alongside photobombs, FAILS and mischievous, bad-grammar wielding cats takes a certain kind of person – a Todd…

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Online Targeting: Perhaps Privacy Is Not the Problem

Some “facts” you might not know about me, particularly if you’re going by the picture on the upper right hand side of this page.I’m a married male head of household who speaks Spanish. I have two teenage children and a high school diploma.  I’m retired. My income is below $50,000.…

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Operative: Q4’s Impact on Ad Ops Professionals

A few weeks ago, we posted a poll asking ad ops professionals to tell us how they were handling the Q4 traffic deluge. Our poll asked ten questions and went into the nitty gritty of how ad operations teams deal with high volume seasons. We are posting the full results…

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RTB: Are You Not in Play, Testing the Waters or All In?

While RTB may be nearly ubiquitous among U.S. publishers these days, adoption of the technology across the Atlantic has taken a much more leisurely pace. This isn’t that surprising considering that issues from privacy to highly localized markets make integrating automated selling systems across the European landscape a seemingly Herculean…

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