Search results for programmatic

1262 Results

OPS Markets

OPS Markets will explore how digital strategists across the spectrum are embracing automation technology and audience data to further their revenue efforts in an ever-changing environment. Discussion will revolve around realizing the revenue potential of publisher data; understanding campaign and inventory management in an increasingly automated marketplace; taking advantage of…

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Cracking Mobile: A Guide to Mobile Malvertising

Malvertising is a growing issue among ad-ops professionals. In a survey for our new report, "How to Fight the Growing Threat of Malvertisements", we found that 90 percent of ad ops professionals acknowledge the threat of malvertising, and consider malvertising protection "very important."Check out a November 2012 feature by our business…

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Solving the Creative Conundrum

In today’s digital advertising world, fast is key. And, as attention spans shorten, webpages load quicker, and clicks become swifter, advertisers are increasingly vying for consumers’ attention at breakneck speeds.  On the sales side, the architecture to buy and sell advertising in a matter of milliseconds is already in place.…

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Know Kawaja, Know LUMAscapes

“I thought it would have jumped the shark by now,” says Terry Kawaja, founder and CEO of LUMA Partners. “But there are 10 of them now, constantly refreshed.” Display, search, video, mobile, social – each of these channels gets its own LUMAscape, a horizontal canvas packed tight with overstuffed banks of…

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Monster In the Mirror: LiveRail’s RJ Payomo

Among the dry-erase boards filled with to-dos, dual monitors, family photos and a company plant nursed back to glorious health, LiveRail's RJ Payomo creates programmatic video gold. Balance between work and life is important to Payomo, who heads out at six most days. And, when it comes to workspaces, Payomo…

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Publisher Forum Sonoma: Live Blog

Ah, Sonoma! Your vineyards so lush, your sun so spicy, your breeze so cold. The Monsters have assembled and after some wine-fueled fracas on Sunday night, we're ready to roll with the Publisher Forum Sonoma agenda. First up, Brian Monahan, EVP and Managing Partner at MAGNA GLOBAL, describing the post-audience…

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