Snowstorms and Ad Operations, 5 Things in Common

The recent snowstorm up and down the East coast, made us think about how Ad Ops professionals have to balance the periodic crisis and still keep normal business moving. Below is a countdown of 5 things we think Ad Ops projects/emergencies and storms have in common.

#5 – Both reminds us that being able to work remotely is both a virtue and a curse.
#4 – Each fuels a rush to deal with the situation…tempered with knowing that normal operations still need to happen.
#3 – Reminds us that advance planning and preparations are key to critical times (although milk and bread are not nearly as critical in ad delivery)
#2 – People rally around a crisis. There is nothing like a common challenge to bring people together.
#1 – Both make you wish forecasting was easier (…and happy the art/science continues to improve).

Let us you know what you think belongs on this list.

Stay safe and warm throughout this weather. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if you want help “shoveling out.”

AdMonsters Professional Services – [email protected]