Transforming Big Data Into Big Revenue

August 20, 2012—3:55 pm

The opportunity to examine and analyze large data sets is creating new opportunities in the advertising eco-system. Being able to utilize vast amounts of historical data facilitates the creation of better, more personalized experiences. Tracking sales and demand data can help identify the true value of media. The untapped opportunities that accompany these larger datasets provide a fresh set of challenges. Through proper planning, which includes clearly determining data analysis goals, and the right tools, many of these challenges can be avoided and the Big Value within Big Data can be unlocked.

Key takeaways from this session include:

  • Bigger data isn’t always better data – it needs to be the right data.
  • It is important to understand the questions to be answered.
  • Big data requires the right tools for timely answers.
  • It’s about analysis and looking ahead, not just reporting.
  • Data exploration is crucial.