Mobile Privacy: The Elephant(s) in the Room

April 19, 2012—8:10 pm

Mobile Advertising is finally starting to come into its own. While that's news great for the business side, the model for ensuring privacy in a mobile context has yet to reach maturity. Even companies trying to the right thing are often finding that the privacy standards that are effective in an online context are less so in mobile. As MUIDs are currently the de facto technology for most mobile ad networks, what are the rules for their use? How does location fit in? How do we communicate the essence of the privacy bargain with consumers given the limited real estate? And how we offer an effective opt-out  or opt-in mechanism for those consumers who want choice? And how does the concept of Do Not Track fit into a mobile context? And of course, does our thinking change given the marketplace power of Apple, Google and the carriers? Join us for a working discussion of current standards for mobile advertising where we explore these and other issues with an interactive privacy veteran – and begin to understand where all of these standards are heading.



Alan Chapell

Chapell & Associates


Alan Chapell is an attorney and industry analyst focusing on privacy within the interactive media and technology landscape. Chapell began his career at a boutique direct marketing agency in Stamford, Connecticut in the early 1990’s. After several years at the agency, Chapell took a five month sabbatical in Mumbai to write music jingles for Indian TV – which seemed like a great idea at the time). After returning from India, Chapell moved to New York and to Jupiter Research. During his 4- 1/2 years at Jupiter, Chapell directed Jupiter's marketing, sales and compliance operations while also attending Fordham University School of Law.

Chapell founded Chapell & Associates in October of 2003. Since then, his firm
has helped over 100 media and technology companies craft their privacy and data strategy. Chapell & Associates has also been instrumental in the development of emerging best practice standards for interactive marketing and media. Chapell graduated from the University of Connecticut and Fordham University School of Law, is a member of the New York bar, and is a Certified Information Privacy Professional. When not advising companies on privacy, Chapell enjoys playing music.

Chapell is widely recognized as a thought leader on privacy and interactive media. He is on the board of the Network Advertising Initiative, Chairman of the Mobile Marketing Association’s (MMA) Privacy and Preferences Committee, and is proud to be a frequent speaker at Mediapost and other industry events. He is frequently tapped by the U.S. Trustees Office to serve as a privacy Ombudsman: and has served in that capacity during the Chrysler, Eddie Bauer and GM bankruptcies.