Keynote Address: Jo Rabin, Director, MobileMonday London

November 14, 2011—2:10 pm


About the Session

Mobile is not the future. It's now.

Google says that their mobile traffic grew more than four times in a year that already over 15% of their traffic comes from mobile in many categories of search, substantially more in some. That’s one in seven searches, and is continuing to rise. How many companies put one seventh of their resources into mobile? We will take a look at current analysis and trends in the mobile arena, why it’s important to have a strategy and why mobile needs a different approach to traditional Web delivery. Warning: everything is moving very fast and while the answers are emerging they are changing too – what’s clear is that the time to engage is now!

About the Speaker

Jo RabinJo Rabin, Director, MobileMonday London (@jorabin)

Jo’s a con­sult­ant CTO provid­ing tech­no­logy strategy and devel­op­ment man­age­ment with a focus on mobile and pub­lish­ing. His exper­i­ence includes being CTO at dot­Mobi, Flir­to­matic and at Reu­ters Mobile. Between 2005 and Jan 2011 he co-chaired the W3C Mobile Web Best Prac­tices Work­ing Group, and was editor or co-editor of lots of mobile-related W3CNotes and Recom­mend­a­tions. While at Reu­ters, Jo developed the first ver­sion of the news industry inter­change stand­ard, NewsML as well has being responsible for the development of the Reuters Foreign Exchange Dealing System. Before that he helped start the UK’s first public electronic mail system, Telecom Gold. Jo’s a co-founder of and is Director of MobileM­onday Lon­don which holds monthly mobile related events and hosts a lively dis­cus­sion list on all mat­ters mobile.