Digital Video and Strategy: Collaboration Is King
October 04, 2012—3:00 pm
The proliferation of devices has forever changed the world of video. No longer is there a simple, singular solution to deliver video to consumers across a variety of screens, and as a result, brands and marketers are often left with solutions that fail to deliver the results they want, or need. Enter VivaKi’s The Pool, a first of its kind testing initiative built on the collaborative participation of a select group of clients, content providers and technology companies – all of whom are “pooling” insights and resources in pursuit of future engagement models while still in the development stage. The Pool is where innovation meets collaboration and where it works to create industry alignment for engagement models of the future. Led by VivaKi’s Beth Doyle, join us for this roundtable conversation to – comprised of various Pool participants – to learn how the act of collaboration is helping to change the way the industry works and driving the future of online video and online video strategy.