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717 Results

A Q&A with Chris Hogg, Technical Account Director, Grapeshot

Digital advertising pros who are also Spaghetti Western fans thoroughly enjoyed Grapeshot Chief Executive John Snyder's wonderfully titled OPS Markets session on Thursday, Feb. 9: "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Digital Advertising." While we're still trying to talk Snyder into wearing a poncho and chewing a cigarillo during…

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Redefining the Display Model via RTB

 Martin van der Meij will be leading his session Taking the Secondary Channel to New Levels at OPS Markets in London on February 9.  SIgn up today and stay ahead of the digital advertising curve. Get more information at the bottom of this page. How has De Telegraaf approached RTB and what…

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O’Reilly: Making Progress Toward the ‘Quantified Society’

“Towards the Quantified Society” was the theme of O’Reilly’s online preview of its Strata conference in Santa Clara, Calif., in late February. The statement does make one tingle a bit – we’re headed in the direction of a data-centric world where everything can be measured, morphed into numbers and metrics,…

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Attributes of Attribution: Q&A With Paul Pellman, CEO, Adometry

 It's generally sunk in that the last click shouldn't be getting all the conversion credit – as digital spend increases, advertisers are yearning for a better understanding of multichannel campaign performance. Properly assigning credit to various ad types has proved to be a task, but one that companies like Adometry –…

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Bringing RTB to Asia-Pacific: Q&A with Matt Harty

  This exclusive interview with Matt Harty, General Manager, Accuen APAC at Annalect (Omnicom Media Group), is brought to you by AdMonsters Southeast Asia. AdMonsters Southeast Asia brings commercial directors and operations leaders at the forefront of the field in the region together to lead the discussion on building the market and…

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Privacy: The Regulatory Crescendo in Europe

 OPS Markets in London on February 9 is the place to get involved in the discussion. Right now there’s no hotter topic in the operations community than Privacy and the impending hammer coming down attached to the ePrivacy Directive. OPS Markets London at Grange Tower Hill will feature a panel…

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Break Media Survey: Rise of the Video Ad Networks

 I've heard from numerous publishers that they are regularly overbooked when it comes to video ads; some ad ops teams are actually seeking out ways to drive more video traffic on their sites. Overbooking has become an unwanted trend as video exploded this year ($2 billion in spend!), but the…

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Building Trust: Resolving Mobile Analytics Discrepancies

 Following years of unfulfilled hype, mobile is now undeniably becoming a staple of mainstream media consumption, spurred for the main part by the success of the iOS and Android ecosystems. However, despite rapid advancements in mobile Internet usage, advertising revenues for the medium severely lag behind that of other digital…

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