Webcast US X – Getting Started with Outsourcing

April 21, 2010

Only on AdMonsters.com

Online hosted events.

Getting Started with Outsourcing

Registration opens January 01, 2010

Registration ends April 06, 2010 at 12:00 am



Outsourcing webcastIt’s often up to ad operations leadership to navigate and make the case for outsourcing. There are several steps from deciding if it makes sense or your business, finding a partner, implementation, and managing the relationship and workflow. How do you measure success? What parts of the business can be or should be outsourced? How do you present and position it internally? Where can an outsourcing model be applied – from short term and long term projects to staffing?

It’s also important that your outsourcing agency is a true partner. How do you best work with them to create an extension to your team?

Join us for this webcast, that will give an overview of a successful strategy to assess the potential efficiencies of outsourcing certain ad operations functions, getting internal sign-off, implementation strategies and partnership maintenance tips and tricks.

Webcast Details

The webcast will start at 12pm EST on April 21st. The webcast will run approximately 60 minutes but may run over based on discussion of attendee questions during the event.

The week of the event you will receive an email with details on how to sign into the webcast. If you do not receive any email please check your spam folder. If you do not receive a login to the webcast please email [email protected] prior to the event.

Please sign in a few minutes early on the day off the webcast to test your connection.

Technology Requirements

Webcasts will be presented on Adobe Connect Pro. Audio will be streamed online or available by toll-free number. Please use the testing tool provided by Adobe® before joining one of the AdMonsters webcasts. The tool can be found here.

Recording Details

A recording of the webcast is made available after the event and is included in the price. You have to login into the AdMonsters website to access the recording. If you are not able to attend the event you can purchase the recording separately following the webcast.



Laura BoodramLaura Boodram

Director, Digital Media Services
New York Times Regional Media Group

Laura is very happy to consider herself an Ad Monster. She runs a lean and mean Ad Operations department for The New York Times Company Regional Division and launched her career in this field when she was tasked with centralizing Ad Operations for over 15 regional news and media websites.

With a passion and skill for operations, communication and business process development, she has successfully applied these skills to multiple initiatives and industries. In her 5 years at NYT Co., Laura has also successfully established product development teams, managed technology vendor integrations, and standardized billing, support, and order management systems.

Born and raised in the Caribbean, Laura moved to the UK to study Environmental Economics and started her career in Telecom and Banking. Laura relocated to Florida in 2004 and is currently pursuing her Master Certificate, Six Sigma Black Belt.


Jennifer Hanks

Vice President, Professional Services

Jennifer joined AdMonsters in 2009 and brings over 10 years of experience in digital media to the organization. She started off her career at Engage Media/Flycast, the first ever internet ad network, where she helped launch and manage the publisher and advertiser side of the b2b and then b2c ad network.  After the dotcom ‘bust’, she helped bring ‘brick and mortar’ advertisers online with aquisition and list management campaigns at Prospectiv Direct. 

In 2004, she joined the New York Times and held many roles there including Director of Ad Operations and Director of Digital Development.  In her years at NYT, Jennifer was involved in a multitude of projects including: building a sales support team, implementing new systems (workflow, yield management, billing), and outsourcing.  She oversaw business planning, new media (video/mobile), remnant and ad network strategy, and the launch of the NYT Global Edition with International Herald Tribune.  Prior to her digital career, Jennifer worked in Hollywood at ICM. Jennifer holds an MSc in Business from the London School of Economics and a BA from Barnard College.



  • Sponsor Message
  • Introduction to Presenters     
  • Presentation
    • Why develop an outsourcing strategy?           
    • Where can an outsourcing model be applied?           
    • Preparing internally for the process           
    • Selection of a partner           
    • Strategies for implementation           
    • Preparing – SLAs, Documentation, etc.           
    • Monitoring the partnership (QA tracking)           
    • Top Tips/Summary     
    • Q&A