AdMonsters NYC Ad Week Meetup: A Buffet of Mobile Solutions

September 27, 2017

Register Now

5:30 PM – 8:30 PM

CBS Interactive
28 E 28th St,
New York, NY 10016

When it comes to monetizing mobile content, progress has been slow but steady—for all the changes in the mobile space, it seems many old hindrances remain. At the same time, mobile solutions are appearing faster than revenue professionals can count them. Developments are hitting this area at a furious pace, and those publishers that can keep on top will prosper.

At this AdMonsters Meetup sponsored by District M, a panel will examine several of the most pertinent mobile trends, including:

  • Mobile programmatic’s looming comeback;
  • How high-impact units have revolutionized the space;
  • New and ongoing challenges with in-app monetization;
  • The complexities of mobile data targeting; and
  • Increasing options when it comes to alternative revenue streams.

Come and join an intensive discussion on mobile revenue with those on the cutting edge, and stay for good company and networking. It’s the AdMonsters way.


derek nicol cbsi

Derek Nicol, VP of Advertising Technology, CBS Interactive






matt kyme zillow_crop

Matt Kyme, Senior Manager, Ad Systems, Zillow





Alyssa Chu Bloomberg

Alyssa Chu, Head of Global Programmatic Platforms, Bloomberg





sophia ho starcom

Sophia Ho, VP, Director, Starcom Programmatic






