Search results for apachesolr_search/conversion tracking

730 Results

How Marketing Can Help Brands Tie Purpose to Profit

Too many brands have only cast their focus inward when it comes to sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and purpose. And that's a massive missed opportunity. Purpose-driven organizations grow three times faster, on average, than non-purpose-driven ones, and 82 percent of consumers are making purchase decisions with purpose in mind. Today, tying…

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Best Practices for Publishers to Survive the New Open Markets: How to Differentiate Your Brand in an Age of Commoditization

“In today’s environment, it’s critical to differentiate in some way shape, or form. The consolidation we’ve seen, and the rampant commoditization means publishers and tech platforms need to find a way to stand out,” advised David DiAngelo, Global Vice President of Marketplace Development at Emodo. He recommends the following best…

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AdMonsters July 20, 2023   What is vCPM and How Does It Relate to Viewability? Attention metrics are gaining traction, but one fundamental aspect that continues to hold significant value for advertisers is viewability. While advertisers recognize the importance of capturing users' attention, ensuring their ads are viewable remains a…

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What is vCPM and How Does It Relate to Viewability?

Attention metrics are gaining traction, but one fundamental aspect that continues to hold significant value for advertisers is viewability. While advertisers recognize the importance of capturing users' attention, ensuring their ads are viewable remains a top priority. vCPM provides a metric to measure the cost of viewable impressions, helping advertisers…

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Safe GenAI Chatbots, Safe Reputations: Spectrum Lab’s Ryan Treichler Talks Fine Tuning, Reinforcement Learning, and Guardrails

As publishers, we recognize the immense value of our content, and the concept of a conversational chatbot guiding users to explore and enhance their experiences with that amazing content is truly fascinating. But can publishers launch generative AI chatbots and sidestep the issues we read about daily, such as hallucinations, responses…

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AdMonsters July 6, 2023   Why Aren't Publishers Concernd About Supply Path Optimization (SPO) Earlier this year, Emodo surveyed advertisers and publishers about their top concerns. Predictably, the economy, the growth of attention metrics, and cookie deprecation are top worries for publishers. What is surprising is just how low supply…

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