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1430 Results

The Impression Exchange Solution: Idealism Versus Pragmatism

What is the IES? It seems to continue to make more regular appearances at the industry's events, but few people seem to fully understand what it is, and how it will impact their operations. The IES stands for "Impression Exchange Solution" (or sometimes "Standard"), though I would argue as a…

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Q and A with Mike Leo, CEO of Operative

Yesterday at the IAB Ad Ops Summit I had a chance to speak with Mike Leo, CEO and President of Operative. Operative was the principle sponsor of the event and Mike had just given a presentation about how innovations create operational pain. In his talk he stated that it is…

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Top Themes from the IAB Ad Operations Summit

Yesterday I attended the IAB Ad Operations Summit. It was a packed house which I believe demonstrates how Ad Ops is at the forefront of revenue and top of mind for digital media companies.Here are some of my key observations and takeaways from the day:Breaking down offline vs onlineToday we…

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HTML5 Advertising FAQ

Editor's note: This article was provided by Jack Wallington, head of industry programmes, IAB UK and Lynne Hunt, head of ad operations, The Guardian. It is reposted from the IAB site with permission.This page is a status update about the use of HTML5 in advertising from major publishers, ad networks…

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A dozen reasons why OPS is sexy

The world of online advertising operations and technology came together yesterday at the first OPS conference. We at AdMonsters knew it was time for an open forum exclusively dedicated to online ad ops, and it was a huge success. I heard tons of great feedback throughout the day, including my…

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Live from OPS

 Couldn't make it to OPS? Check out the event updates from AdMonsters OPS - all times Eastern. Thanks everyone for making it a great event!9:00 am  -- Welcome to OPS! After a very creative opening and introduction from Bowen Dwelle and Matt O'Neill we are already feeling this isn't your…

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Q and A With AdMonsters OPS Presenter Universal McCann VP Mitchell Weinstein

Editor's note: This article originally appeared on DIGIDAYDaily.Mitch Weinstein is the Vice President, Director of Digital Ad Operations at UM/J3, where he oversees trafficking, reporting, and overall campaign management and implementation.  He focuses on the latest in ad serving and targeting technologies, ensuring that clients are maximizing their budgets, reaching…

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Rubicon Project is delighted and thrilled to be part of AdMonsters OPS

Advertising Operations is paramount in today’s online ad ecosystem, as overseeing the successful execution of a Web properties online advertising strategy is no small feat. While the history of OPS has been about trafficking and discrepancies, it is now vital to not only execute on, but strategically participate in, the…

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Online Video Yield Optimization the Right Way: Less Time, More Money

Death, taxes, and yield optimization: they’re all inescapable, and each one is about as pleasant as the others. There’s no denying that yield optimization is important, especially for online video ads, which now draw a vast amount of money industry-wide. Still, having your ad operations team spend the entire day…

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