Search results for apachesolr_search/mobile tracking

730 Results

Ghost and Post

Imagine walking into a bar, buying a beer, and standing there drinking it. Now imagine that another punter walks into the same bar, buys exactly the same pint of beer, and stands beside you calmly drinking it.  Don't be confused. I am not suggesting they are drinking a "similar" pint.…

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Browser Privacy Tools: Let’s Make this EASY!

Editor's note: Originally appeared on the Bizo blog.Debates about the Federal Trade Commission’s call for a “Do Not Track” system to protect consumer Internet privacy have been going on for several weeks now. But only in the last few days has the issue become very “real” for many consumers with…

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Where are we with VAST and VPAID?

Last year when I first joined AdMonsters I wrote an article about the Video Ad Serving Template, commonly know as the VAST which is a XML standard proposed and maintained by the IAB. So what has become of VAST in the 12 months since? Has the industry embraced the VAST…

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Advertising Transformed: The Solution

Editor's note - continued from Part One: Advertising Transformed: The Publisher's DilemmaTo solve this dilemma, publishers must transform their advertising operation. Publishers must integrate print, web, and all other advertising divisions into a single unified operating system. A complete advertising solution sells, packages, manages, traffics, optimizes, tracks, and bills advertising—all…

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Advertising Transformed: The Publisher’s Dilemma

Editor's note: This is part one of a two part post.The expanding online advertising market presents publishers with substantial opportunities for dramatic revenue growth. It also presents significant challenges that will require publishers to transform their advertising operations in order to capture the full revenue potential. With the right strategy,…

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The Impression Exchange Solution: Idealism Versus Pragmatism

What is the IES? It seems to continue to make more regular appearances at the industry's events, but few people seem to fully understand what it is, and how it will impact their operations. The IES stands for "Impression Exchange Solution" (or sometimes "Standard"), though I would argue as a…

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OPS Markets

The Metropolitan PavilionBreaking News & UpdatesOPS: Markets was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who attended and our sponsors for supporting AdMonsters.Speaker and Session Lineup - Take a look to remind yourself.A unique, one-day conference for digital advertising leaders focused on operational excellence in an audience driven marketplace.About OPS:…

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Top Themes from the IAB Ad Operations Summit

Yesterday I attended the IAB Ad Operations Summit. It was a packed house which I believe demonstrates how Ad Ops is at the forefront of revenue and top of mind for digital media companies.Here are some of my key observations and takeaways from the day:Breaking down offline vs onlineToday we…

Read More’s New Product Helps Advertisers Create Facebook Ads More Efficiently

Today demand-side platform, Inc., announced the release of (, a multivariate text and image advertising optimization platform which allows clients to quickly and efficiently test thousands of ad variations via a single interface. According to the release, is participating in the Facebook Advertising API Beta program and…

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