Search results for apachesolr_search/high impact

841 Results

The Changing Network Model

Premium online ad networks in the UK are facing a challenge which requires fundamental changes to their business, and it seems likely that those who don't move quickly will be in all kinds of trouble. Until recently it was all so different - the role of a network seemed certain;…

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iFrames, JavaScript and Ad Delivery

The type of ad delivery a site uses can have far reaching impacts.  Everyone's had a conversation with the Content or IT team that started "Your ads are making the site ...!"  This is usually followed by any one of a number of complaints: slow; install malware; totally unusable; leak…

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What OpenRTB Means for Ad Operations

Recently there was an announcement introducing OpenRTB, which is a consortium made up of both demand and supply side providers. The goal of the consortium is to create less friction in an marketplace that is only becoming more and more complex. Part of that initiative includes proposing a set of…

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Challenges Facing Ad Ops Employers

My last AdMonsters blog post was about the key challenges that face ad ops professionals looking progress their careers.It seems appropriate as a follow up to look at this from another angle – what are the challenges that face employers looking to maintain, and grow their ad ops teams?I made…

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Back to Basics or the Mobile Advertiser’s Dilemma

John Wanamaker, oft considered the father of modern advertising, is attributed with saying, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half”.  Nearly a century later, the technologies and medium used for advertising have changed, but his observation is often still evident.…

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Jack Myers and Rob Beeler at OPS NY Part 3 – Apps

We knew when developing the agenda for OPS that we couldn't just have operations people say that ops was sexy. We needed an icon in the industry to help drive that point home and end the day with everyone buzzing about all the great things operations is. We were extremely…

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The Impression Exchange Solution: Idealism Versus Pragmatism

What is the IES? It seems to continue to make more regular appearances at the industry's events, but few people seem to fully understand what it is, and how it will impact their operations. The IES stands for "Impression Exchange Solution" (or sometimes "Standard"), though I would argue as a…

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Removing the Barriers to Growing Online Media Spend: Transparency

Over 75% of Americans regularly spend time online. All savvy marketers realize that digital is the fastest growing component of their marketing strategy.However online media spend has grown at a much slower rate than consumer growth in time spent online, why is this?There are two clear reasons for the lag…

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Top Themes from the IAB Ad Operations Summit

Yesterday I attended the IAB Ad Operations Summit. It was a packed house which I believe demonstrates how Ad Ops is at the forefront of revenue and top of mind for digital media companies.Here are some of my key observations and takeaways from the day:Breaking down offline vs onlineToday we…

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