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1503 Results

Media Cross Media Tackles Big Data

“How many of you know what Big Data is?” asked Heidi Cohen, ClickZ columnist, adjunct NYU professor, President of Riverside Marketing Strategies and moderator of the panel discussion at the Media Cross Media (MXM) Big Data event. A decent percentage of the crowd gathered at the Corporate Tax Network’s offices…

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Measuring Brand Advertising on a Performance Basis

 We’ve all heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. The online ad industry is vocal about the need for more brand advertising to move online as consumers tune out offline advertising on TV and in magazines. However, even with…

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A Q&A With Richard Wheaton, Neo@Ogilvy

  I had the pleasure of sitting down with Richard Wheaton, UK Managing Director of Ogilvy’s digital arm Neo, to discuss the digital landscape as it lies currently and also get his take on what to look out for in 2012.   Richard is a stalwart of the industry –…

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Q&A with Eric Litman: Medialets’ Move to RTB

Last week, Medialets, a mobile rich media advertising platform that currently supports more than 20 billion monthly impressions, launched Medialets Private Marketplace, a fully transparent buying platform that lets advertisers directly plan, buy, execute and measure brand advertising on the mobile properties of the world's top publishers. The launch of Medialets Private…

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Turning On for Media

 How many of you work for a company that utilizes Its adoption is really quite large in sales and marketing departments. The functionality is quite robust for managing sales, marketing, trafficking and ad performance reporting. Unfortunately most companies have initially configured Salesforce for only its most basic capabilities. Then people…

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Bringing RTB to Asia-Pacific: Q&A with Matt Harty

  This exclusive interview with Matt Harty, General Manager, Accuen APAC at Annalect (Omnicom Media Group), is brought to you by AdMonsters Southeast Asia. AdMonsters Southeast Asia brings commercial directors and operations leaders at the forefront of the field in the region together to lead the discussion on building the market and…

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The State of SSPs: Classic vs. New

The Forrester Wave report on Sell-Side Platforms sets the stage for the publisher ecosystem in 2012 by labeling SSPs a “vital part of the publisher tech stack.” The SSP is an increasingly necessary tool for managing and optimizing a plethora of indirect sales channels – oh, and making sure they’re…

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Do All Your Cookies Taste the Same?

When considering which data to buy and layer onto campaigns, marketers are becoming lost in a sea of segments. Several data buyers have told me they have access to 50,000 segments. That’s 50 with 3 zeroes. Which cookies should you buy? How can you differentiate one company’s 500 segments from…

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DataXu Goes Global – Q&A with VP of Marketing Julie Ginches

DataXu, provider of the industry’s no1 ranked DSP today (10 Jan 2012) announced that it had acquired Europe’s leading DSP platform Mexad.Read our Q&A on the thought process behind the decision and more with DataXu’s Vice President of Marketing Jule Ginches below.Rumor has it, DataXu's technology was originally developed for…

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The Audience Futures Marketplace: Q&A With Yoav Arnstein, CEO and Cofounder, Legolas Media

 Offering further proof of how much online display technology is inspired by the financial industry, Legolas Media announced numerous agency partners, including Horizon Media, on board with its audience futures marketplace. Employing a complex algorithm that incorporates 10,000 data points regarding audience targeting, Legolas enables publishers to sell guaranteed inventory…

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